Image & Form anuncia SteamWorld Heist
A Image & Form, responsável pelo fantástico jogo SteamWorld Dig, disponível para a Nintendo 3DS e Wii U, entre outras plataformas, acaba de anunciar o novo jogo da série, intitulado SteamWorld Heist. Anunciado para a primavera de 2015, mas sem plataformas especificadas, seria uma grande desilusão que não fosse publicado em nenhuma consola da Nintendo, especialmente após o sucesso do jogo anterior na Nintendo eShop da 3DS.
Ao contrário do que muitos esperariam com a popularidade do primeiro jogo, SteamWorld Heist é um jogo completamente novo e diferente de Dig, embora partilhe o mesmo mundo, mantendo a temática steampunk e o estilo artístico. Heist é um jogo de aventuras no espaço e de sobrevivência, onde o jogador irá recrutar uma equipa de robôs de segunda para explorar o espaço e limpar os restos de um mundo destruído. O jogo consiste em atacar e embarcar naves espaciais e controlar a equipa numa variante 'única' de combate por turnos. É um anúncio que tem tanto de surpreendente como intrigante, e vem acompanhado do teaser trailer que podem ver de seguida.
Lançar este título é uma jogada arriscada numa indústria de sequelas, mas pode muito bem ser o que os jogadores do anterior esperam da equipa que fez um dos melhores títulos indie publicados na eShop. Entretanto, aguardamos mais novidades sobre o funcionamento do jogo e se irá realmente ser lançado nas plataformas Nintendo. Segue a Press Release completa, em Inglês.
Press release, Gothenburg, September 15
The devs at Image & Form finally ungag their CEO to talk about SteamWorld Heist, the next game in the SteamWorld franchise. “It’ll be full of surprises and probably the best game ever,” says Brjann Sigurgeirsson with typical modesty. Release is set for spring 2015; platforms, price and release schedule are yet to be determined.
In the brief teaser video below, Image & Form reveals a glimpse of what they’ve been up to since last year - SteamWorld Heist.
The elevator pitch:
SteamWorld Heist is a game about space adventures and survival. Recruit a team of ragtag robots to explore and scavenge the remains of a destroyed world. Board enemy ships and command your crew in a unique variety of turn-based combat.
Taking place some time after SteamWorld Dig, a cataclysmic event has shattered the planet and forced its population into steam-driven spaceships. It’s a robot-eat-robot world out there, and water is desperately hard to come by. Heisting other ships and bases - bad guys fortunately, the lot of them - is their only way to remain in operation.
“Heist isn’t a sequel to SteamWorld Dig,” says CEO Brjann Sigurgeirsson. “It’s set in the same world and the cowbots are still the heroes. But a lot has happened to SteamWorld since then, and we want to make a game that is radically different. Partly because we really wanted to make a turn-based strategy game, but also because it felt like a clever move. The obvious follow-up would’ve been Dig 2; we wanted to surprise instead.”
Self-publishing rookies mature
In August 2013, Image & Form caused quite a commotion when SteamWorld Dig was released on Nintendo 3DS. The game quickly rose to #1 in the Nintendo eShops of America, Europe and Australia. After hitting also Steam, Wii U, PlayStation 4, PS Vita and the current, star-studded Humble Indie Bundle 12, SteamWorld Dig is widely considered a milestone in indie gaming.
Image & Form aims to self-publish also SteamWorld Heist - although it will be different this time. Before the release of Dig, the studio sent out one measly press release three months prior to launch. “Yes, it was quite ridiculous and we got lucky with the massive response at launch,” Brjann recalls. “This time we’ll keep our fans and media in the loop. So much is happening with this game. I have the patience of an insect, but will try to keep from pestering you every day.”